Fuzzy Coconut dot com

Web design and development with a furry shell and a creamy center

about the fuzzy coconut team

Oh no!

Not another “I’m so bored with my job, I need to get with others who feel the same, let’s be a COMPANY!!! Let’s get real attached to a concept that’s CUTE!!! That way people will give us MONEY!!!”

Um, no, that's not what Fuzzy Coconut is about. We are about building better web sites: sites that are good looking, fast, and effective—because really, what else is as important as a web site that draws in potential customers, teaches them about your services, and turns them into paying customers?

Fuzzy Coconut provides a full range of web design and development services. We design and build your site, integrate a shopping cart, manage your hosting and email, and—most importantly—provide personal customer service. You will never hear us say “We do not manage that part of your site. Talk to these guys.”

To use a pun as silly as our name, our services give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside because we know how to think with our coconuts.

Joel Schou Initiative

Joel Schou mugshot Joel Schou's joelschou.com

He came up with the name and designed the site...and wrote this crap.

Shawn Parker The Wookie

Shawn Parker mugshot Shawn Parker's Top Frog Graphics

He who designs the logo gets to write his own biography.

John Pennypacker Action Man!

John Pennypacker mugshot John Pennypacker's pennypacker.net

Anyone who can make Homer dance with JavaScript should be your friend.

Harold Land That Guy

Harold Land mugshot

Harold loves McDonalds. Do not ask why. Really, please just...no.

Andy Parker Grammarian

Andy Parker mugshot

Andy write good. Edit this she will.

So there you have it. You’ve met the ’nuts.