harvested ’nuts

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’nut sites

As a design collaboration, it only makes sense that we include our personal web sites. Each of these sites was meticulously crafted by hand by one of the ’nuts you can learn about on the about page.

Roll over the icons to learn more about the development of each site. Click the thumbnail to view it.

  1. fuzzycoconut.com Fuzzy Coconut Web Design & Development

    by Fuzzy Coconut

    This dead sexy (and plaid!) site you are looking at right now was designed by the master, Joel Schou.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand by Joel Schou, this site validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Powered by custom PHP templates, this site was built by Joel Schou and is hosted on Fuzzy’s server.

  2. joelschou.com Personal site of Joel Schou

    by Fuzzy Coconut

    This site features a style switcher, offering the ability to view two different site designs, both by Joel Schou.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand by Joel Schou, this site validates XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Powered by WordPress, this site was built by Joel Schou and is hosted on Fuzzy’s server.

  3. pennypacker.net Personal site of John Pennypacker

    by Fuzzy Coconut

    This site, by John Pennypacker, sports a elastic layout, filling your entire browser window.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand by John Pennypacker, this site validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Powered by a custom CMS written in PHP, this site was built by John Pennypacker and is hosted on Fuzzy’s server.

  4. top-frog.com Personal site of Shawn Parker

    by Fuzzy Coconut

    With its bold orange and soothing green, this site by Shawn Parker is quite enjoyable to look at.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand by Shawn Parker, this site [almost] validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Powered by a custom CMS written in PHP, this site was built by Shawn Parker and is hosted on Fuzzy’s server.

sites for others

Obviously, we do more than just our own sites. We even work with other web design and development firms and folks to create fantastic works of web-based art. Appropriate credit is given where due. Fuzzy might like the ego boost that comes with the glory of a job well done, but he shares nicely.

Roll over the icons to learn more about the development of each site. Click on the thumbnail to view it. Faded icons indicate the work of others.

  1. housedressingcompany.com Website of House Dressing Company

    by Smitty’s Workshop

    Designed by Smitty’s Workshop of Elk River, MN. Visit Smitty for more information.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand, this site validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Powered by a custom mini-CMS written in PHP by Fuzzy Coconut, this site is hosted by Smitty’s Workshop. Visit Smitty for more information.

  2. johnniefootball.com Fan Website of St. John’s University Football

    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Bold school colors and big, beautiful photos bring SJU football to the web.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand, this site validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    The site is powered by a slightly tweaked install WordPress 2 and has nearly a dozen authors.

  3. taconite.sf.net Resource Site for the Taconite Ajax framework

    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Black and rust colors, heavy edges, and solid fonts envoke the taconite pellets of the northern Minnesota Iron Range.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand, this site validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by Ryan Asleson

    The Taconite website is home on SourceForge.net, the world's largest Open Source software development web site.

  4. kharmik.com Website of kharmik design

    by kharmik

    Designed in-house by kharmik design of Plano, TX. Visit kharmik for more information.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand, this site validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2. The JavaScript animations are a fun touch.

    Server Technology
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    This site is entirely powered by WordPress 2 and managed exclusively via the WordPress Dashboard.

  5. highprofilestaffing.com Website of High Profile Staffing

    by kharmik

    Designed by kharmik design of Plano, TX. Visit kharmik for more information.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand, this site validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2. The JavaScript animations are by Justin Reese.

    Server Technology
    by Justin Reese

    The site is powered by a homegrown XML-on-ASP CMS, developed by a third party and skinned by Justin Reese. Visit Justin for more information.

  6. EnDevCoInc.com Website of EnDevCo, Inc.

    by kharmik

    Designed by kharmik design of Plano, TX. Visit kharmik for more information.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    This site was rewritten from an earlier incarnation and now validates HTML 4.0 Transitional and CSS 2.

    Server Technology
    by kharmik

    This site is powered by a custom CMS written in ASP and contracted by kharmik design. Visit kharmik for more information.

  7. OakPropertiesTX.com Website of Oak Hollow Development, Tyler, TX

    by cue:creative

    Designed by cue:creative of Tyler, TX. Visit cue:creative for more information.

    HTML/CSS Framework
    by Fuzzy Coconut

    Written entirely by hand, this site intially validated XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2. Changes since launch have introduced errors.

    Server Technology
    by cue:creative

    Hosted by cue:creative of Tyler, TX. Visit cue:creative for more information.

We’re just trying to get Fuzzy’s name out there.